Sako - Monocular Hunting Media Network

Generating custom Sako 85 rifle builds online

Case Summary

The goal with the Sako 85 video campaign was to generate custom Sako 85 rifle builds on Sako?s website. Four Sako videos were distributed to hunters in Germany & France via Monocular Hunting Media Network with the goal of generating traffic to the Sako 85 custom builder.

Campaign Delivered
131,054 Video Views

Avg. Viewing Time:
26.6 sec (50.1%)

CTR: 2.6% (3,421)

Case Information

  • Targeting: Rifle hunters
  • Markets: Germany & France

Main Goal

The campaign generated 478 custom built Sako 85 rifles, all qualified leads with clear purchase intention.

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Find us at the office

Gammel Kongevej 131B,
1850 Frederiksberg C

Contact information

Jacob Boll, CEO
+45 29 91 12 59