Driving app signups through content distribution

Case Summary

FoodScene, a newly launched food app, gives users behind-the-scenes access to premium Scandinavian restaurants. But while the idea was already proving popular, FoodScene wanted to see an increase in app subscriptions in the Nordics.

Increased App
Downloads by 14%

Increased Engagement
via Content Optimisation

Cut average cost
per Download by 37%

Services Rendered:

  • Video Strategy
  • Content Optimisation
  • Video Distribution
  • User Acquisition

The Challenge

FoodScene, a newly launched food app, gives users behind-the-scenes access to premium Scandinavian restaurants. But while the idea was already proving popular, FoodScene wanted to see an increase in app subscriptions in the Nordics.

The Concept

Monocular created a concept which would use the high-quality content that FoodScene had already created, but edit, test and optimise it to make it more engaging. These videos were then distributed to specific consumer segments via data driven targeting along with clear calls to action.

The Results

Increased app downloads by 14% and cut the average cost per download by 37%

Contact us

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Find us at the office

Gammel Kongevej 131B,
1850 Frederiksberg C

Contact information

Jacob Boll, CEO
+45 29 91 12 59